
Remove Transactions from Reports -->Purchasing -->Analysis -->Received /Not Invoiced

Received/Not Invoiced report in Reports-->Purchasing-->Analysis the report was showing transactions in POP Received/Not Invoiced. Instead Matching the Invoice for those Receipts user created other Invoices and correct the Accrual Journal Entry of the Received Transactions.

Now the problem is Inventory Qty and GL A/c Balance is right so we cannot pass the Purchase Return Entry because GL and Inventory Qty will get affect.

To remove the transactions from the Received/Not Invoiced Report need to Edit the PO and closed the PO Line Items i.e. Goto Transactions -->Purchasing -->Edit Purchase Orders select your PO and edit the status of Line item from “Received” to “Closed”

Once you had done the PO which has Receipt but Not Invoiced will not appear in above Report.
I have found another problem if there is no purchase order and user entered only Receipt and which is not Invoiced than execute the following update Statement.

Update POP10500 set QTYMATCH = QTYSHPPD where DEX_ROW_ID= 'XXXX'

Replace XXX with Dex_row_id of the receipt on POP10500.